Keys to remember:

Knowing what kind of region and climate you live in will determine what plants will best grow in your exact location.

Remember to keep in mind the yearly temperature highs and lows in your region. Often people will put in a garden for a hot climate but later find out that the plants are not surviving the morning frost. There are solutions if you live in an area where the temperature has a wide range:

• cover the ground with straw to keep ground warmth in.

• make a small green house. This can be done easily and without breaking the bank.

• run thermal tubes underground carrying warm water from your plumbing, a cost efficent solution that is becoming more popular!

Another consideration when choosing which plants will suite your area the best and grow the most healthy is to look into the hybrid species which is more tollerant and resiliant to unexpected temperature swings and even morning frost (number 1 natural plant killer).

Potted plants a great for climates that have extremes at different times of the year because they are easy to bring indoors when the conditions get severe. Remember to place them indoors where they can get plenty of sun and rotate them every few days so that the plants will grow strong as they reach for the suns's rays. Often partiallly covering potted plants with plastic over night can help hold heat in and prevent the chill from causing any damage.

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