Common plants for a Cool climate



Lillies prefer full sun to partial shade (Trumpet lilies need full sun, Turk's Cap prefers partial shade.) A lot of shade will cause plants to lean towards the sun. Lilies usually grow best in the spring, often poking through the soil before the last frost. They can survive low temperatures. Bulbs are normally planted in fall at a depth of about 6 to 8 inches deep.



Arums need special care with a lot of attention because parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested; this might not be a recommended plant for families with small children. Also, handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction; people need to pay careful attention when attending this type of plants. This plant is suitable for growing indoors and average water is needed.



If people are looking for a easy-to-grow plant that will add a beautiful touch to their garden, the hemerocallis is the appropriate plat for them. Hemerocallises come in a wide range of scents and colors, and they also have the choice of one or two blooms. The variety of sizes is between three to five inches. Shapes also vary from the typical trumpet shape to flat, recurved, star, triangular and circular.

Hibiscus flower


Hibiscus is another popular flower for domestic gardens. It is found all over the Caribbean Islands. Most flowers last a day, but there are some hibisculs species that last two or three days. The variety of sizes is as wide as the hemerocallis, from three to ten inches. It can be grown in light bright sunlight. Also, they can be grown under 60 to 90 degrees; they will not stand freezing temperatures. They will need constant watering.

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