Common plants for a warm climate

hot peppers

Hot Peppers

Hot peppers are vulnerable to cold temperatures. When grown in gardens it is treated as an annual plant and is raised from seeds every year. All varieties of hot peppers are raised from the kidney like seeds from the inside of the hot peppers. There garden peppers are divided into two groups; the Sweet peppers or mild-flavored varieties. These peppers are common for stuffing, salads and garnishing, while hot Peppers, are mainly used in sauces and flavoring



Tomatoes are often grown in greenhouses in cooler climates. They are grown from seed and they can come in several shapes and colors; from the cherry tomatoes to the known as the steak tomato for its size. Tomatoes are the most common in home gardens. People also like to grow tomatoes because of t heir practicality and nutritional values. They typically grow six feet or more above the ground if supported.



This particular vegetable might have a history of 8000 years. Anthropological evidence shows that this vegetable was popular in the early Mesoamerica. Most summer squashes require 45 to 50 days to maturity. Winter squashes range from 70 to 110 days or more. The larger fruited varieties, like Blue Hubbard, require the most time. It should be planted in rows or hills and plant seeds one inch deep.



Cucumbers need a good amount of sunshine and warmth. They are a green house favourite. Ensure that you have adequate space as Cucumbers can rapidly reach around 6 feet. Where space is limited, the plant will accommodate against a wall. They may also spread over the ground if you have the space. Water the cucumbers well each week if you want them to be juicy and firm! The cucumber fruit itself has a very high water content.

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